Sep 4, 2009

A whole lot of nothing

it's amazing how something so little can make such a big change on you. like when you see a shooting star, or read a book, or just smell a really good smell. it's amazing how little things can make you smile and feel whole. but it's sad that I have failed to see them most of the time lately. it hasn't been my day since may, since all this started. I need a change. I need something. big or small, I don't care, I need a change... but then again, have I failed, or am I just ignoring them? am I ignoring them, or they just won't let me see them? is everything supposed to be as it is, and will it continue like this? or will it change? so I can finally take a deep breath and say, I'm okay.

Hi, my name is Dee, and I have existential problems. Will that be a good introduction?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, not at all.
It should be.

"Hi, I'm Dee. I'm strong enough to meet you."